Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring is here, SPRING IS HERE...Bacon Cheeseburgers for all!

After a roller coaster of a winter (remember that morning in late January when it was in the low 50's?) and an even stranger March and April (anyone else's furnace STILL on as of last week?) spring appears to have sprung this weekend! Getting weather in the mid-60's to low-70's; sun shining bright; and sunscreen needing be applied, yes, SPRING IS HERE!

While the grill has been out for a number of weeks already - I refuse to let chilly temps keep me away from the magic of charcoal - tonight when it was fired up, it just felt right. And to top it off, we enjoyed Ultimate Bacon Burgers.

The recipe (straight from follows below but what makes something like this great, is you can make it your own, too. For instance, we chose Pepper Jack cheese instead of Cheddar at our house; we also chose to go without the buns. I finished mine off with sliced red peppers and mustard.

Ultimate Bacon Burgers
Submitted by Rosemary (MN) HQ Resident Chef

2 lb. lean ground beef
2 Tbsp. Ultimate Steak™ Seasoning or to taste
8-10 slices bacon, cooked and drained
6 slices Cheddar cheese
6 hamburger buns

Combine first 2 ingredients; shape into 6 patties. Grill to desired doneness. Top with cheese; grill additional few minutes until cheese melts. Place burgers on buns; top with bacon. Makes 6 servings

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