Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sunny Saturday - another great week, celebrate with pancakes

After an amazing Spring day to start the week Monday, the weather turned into gray and rain, making it a week to otherwise forget weather-wise. However waking up to brilliant sunshine on a Saturday morning (albeit a bit chilly for mid-April, but who is counting :)), enjoying coffee, talking sports with your oldest while he has once again snagged our favorite section ahead of me, is but an easy reminder of why not to just forget this past week. Having accomplished a lot in many areas of a life I am LIVING (re: to others, busy - to us, not sitting on the sideline watching life go by) - it was yet another great week.

Shuffled boys to baseball and soccer; supported Kari through another tough week of tests and homework for her classes; crossed many projects off my list at work; got in my first training swim of the season followed by 2 great runs and 2 solid indoor bike workouts (not all in one day :)); ate dinner as a family almost every night; ensured Kari had 2 successful classes taught at the gym; balanced touching my Tastefully Simple business every day with meaningful activities; attended a networking group meeting for the community...there might just be something I am forgetting, maybe?

I don't list this to brag, to say I am the busiest person in the world or by doing all of these I am better than anyone. I do it as a way to know I am keeping up with my life mantra.

Today's post is in fact simple - get out there and live your life. Own the ups and the downs. See your dreams and chase them. Empower others along the way. Don't forget, we go around once, MAXIMIZE YOUR LIFE.

And while doing so - eat pancakes!

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