Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Twisting on an old favorite

There are classic food dishes that exist in every culture, every setting, every meal of the day...and putting a spin on a "classic" is always fun to do. While this idea is not my own, I was inspired by the Tastefully Simple food blog tsrecipes.com who put out a version of a BLT (pictured below) that I will be trying soon, the Raspberry Avocado BLT.
So, what is something you like to put your own signature on? I like taking any BBQ sauce and trying it out as a Sloppy Joe (as detailed in a previous post). I also love to do different versions of meatloaf, meatballs and nachos. I know - nachos. We have successfully coined the terms "deli nachos" and "pasta nachos" in our house. The first being any favorite deli meat, deli cheese, mustard and pickles - heat until melted and enjoy. Pasta Nachos similar with tortilla chips as your base instead of pasta and then a meaty tomato sauce, melted mozzarella on top and call it good.
I look forward to sharing more twists of classics soon! 

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