Friday, October 18, 2013

Slammin' Sammies

Individual EVERYTHING is all of the rage for food right now. Everywhere you look - mini desserts for one; multi-dish sampler platters to start a meal; main course classics taken from a single big serving to numerous smaller servings. And so it goes with our next success in the kitchen of my household with Chipotle Bacon Chili Slammers. Just the name makes one hungry, even if you have just finished a meal.

These small sandwiches feature big taste and 3 Tastefully Simple products - Perfect Parmesan Biscuits, Wahoo Chili Seasoning and the all new Chipotle Bacon Dip Starter. And the even better part, they were almost just as easy to prepare as listing off those few ingredients.

I started with 1 pound of lean ground beef, added 2 Tbsp. Wahoo Chili Seasoning while it started to brown. During the time of the meat cooking, I mixed up the Perfect Parmesan Biscuits (the biscuit mix, water, shredded cheddar cheese), placed them on a baking sheet and popped them into the oven.

The biscuits finished about the time the meat was also getting done cooking. After the biscuits had cooled just enough so they could be sliced in half, I placed a good sized serving of meat on the bottom half, topped with Chipotle Bacon Dip Starter right from the jar to taste and then the top half of the biscuit.

The outcome? Well, the boys had their sandwiches gone almost in the amount of time it took me to make mine and sit down to enjoy with them. So seconds were had!

One of the many things I love about a meal like this is the variations are only limited by your imagination. Jayce chose to have cheese on his; Kayden wanted the full flavor of the dip starter so opted out. You certainly could do these as patties instead of loose meat. Speaking of the meat, obviously ground beef was what we did, but any meat (or non-meat, I am sure just as good with a portabella mushroom) works here.

The main function of meal-time for us is to make it fun, keep it interesting and demonstrating that it might be the same "type" of meal, but there can be variation. Quick, easy, delicious.

Chipotle Bacon Chili Slammers
1 lb. ground beef
2 Tbsp. Wahoo Chili Seasoning
Perfect Parmesan Biscuit Mix
2/3 cup cold water
2/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Chipotle Bacon Dip Starter, to taste

Brown ground beef with Wahoo Chili Seasoning; prepare Perfect Parmesan Biscuits as directed; once biscuits are cool enough to slice, place ground beef on bottom half, top with Chipotle Bacon Dip Starter and top half of biscuit.

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